We are closed on December 25th and January 1st

Dear Customers,

We would like to thank you again for your support and to remind you that we will follow the customs and traditions of our shop to honor all workers on their special Eids/Holidays/Celebrations. So if you work for us and you are of any faith we will allow you 2 major holidays to enjoy Your EID with your friends and family.

Therefore we will be closed on December 25th, 2021 (Saturday), and January 1st, 2022 (also Saturday) to allow our employees to enjoy Their EIDs/ Chrismas Holidays with their families and friends.

We also would like to take this time to wish the whole Team Cycle Omania Pinoys – a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause in your plans and advice that you bring your bikes for any works needed before or after the closure days. We will resume work in full swing on Sundays following the two breaks.

In the meantime, we wish you pleasant times in our beautiful Muscat weather. Take advantage, go out and ride, let the cool breeze kiss your skin, smell the beautiful fresh morning air.

Best Regards

Team Cycle Omania

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